Wednesday, March 9, 2022

We Need Firearm Education


Back in the 60’s our competent legislature responded to an increasing amount of teenage injuries and deaths due to the popularity and availability of shiny precision mechanical ‘toys’ that could go very fast.  All 15 year olds were required to spend several  hours in driver education classes which taught the principals of safe operation and the consequences of careless or reckless use.   The movie shown was very graphic and students or parents with weak stomachs could opt out of watching the movie but not the rest of the class.  Those interested in pursuing driving would get some behind the wheel instruction leading to a driver’s license.

We are again faced with children with dangerous shiny precision mechanical ‘toys’ whose only knowledge of them comes from the screen and peers.  We should make firearm safety training classes mandatory in all our schools for 12 or 13 year olds to not only teach them to operate and own them safely and properly, but to include education about the consequences of improper use of them.  Those who show an interest could have an additional class that includes firing range experience to show how hard it is to actually hit something.  It’s obvious that this won’t stop the next firearm death, but it could, in future years, slow the rate down considerably.  The guns are out there, and will continue to be as long as the NRA and gun nuts have strong political dollars behind them.  I believe they would be hard set to oppose this move.

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