Monday, March 14, 2022

Quest for Power is Strong


About the only thing that all Americans seem to agree on is that the country is going in the wrong direction.   I believe that Vladimir Putin is the best example of why this is.  He is a politician that seems to be wholly invested in his personal power and couldn’t care less about the peoples’ welfare that he is entrusted with.

The current state of our democracy appeals to many politicians that will say and do anything they need to in order to build their personal power.  Reading the literature on power leads them to realize the quickest path to power is to “divide and conquer”.  Because gullible people can vote, the power hungry use fear, anger and hate to divide us.  It’s relatively easy to spot these fear mongers because most of their rhetoric is about blame and calling others names.  They don’t espouse any solutions to our real problems but are ready to glorify things like liberty and freedom.  They also demonize things that they, and the majority of us, don’t intrinsically understand like issues with the GLBT and minority communities.

 We as a nation have to come to the same realization that James Oglethorpe, the founder of the strictly religious Colony of Savannah, learned.  That is, If they wanted to have shoes, they would have to allow people that believe differently, the Jewish shoemakers, to live with them.  We may not like what they believe but we need what they can do.  We need to unite to prosper.  Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


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