Wednesday, August 7, 2019

It's all about the Benjamin s

I’ve been trying to understand how we came to our current situation where the best we can say for our guy is the other guy is worse and political ideas are discussed in two or three words that mean different things to different people.  This causes anger, fear and hate to motivate many of us.  We have gotten good at blaming others for all our problems without realizing that we are all to blame for what’s going down!  
The lack of concern about the foreign funding of our elections has make me realize that it’s all about the money. Top issues to many of us: high drug prices, social security, health care, and campaign finance  all desperately needing reform are basically being ignored because lobbyists are very happy with the way things are. We, as voters, allow this system to continue because we are convinced that our jobs rely on us contributing to the appropriate lobby, union, or party to keep our way of life. This allows the lobbyists to fund election campaigns for or against specific politicians who hold a strong view on their issues.  Because we are a nation of laws, we sometimes confuse what is legal with what is right particularly concerning election campaigns.  We seem to all agree that when Russia tampers with our election it is wrong.  When I’m in Minnesota and asked to contribute to a campaign in South Carolina this is legal; however, I believe it is just as wrong as Russia contributing to Trump’s campaign.  Because virtually everyone involved in politics is either getting rich or will get rich once they are out of office from the current revolving door system, we need a grassroots movement to move forward in a unified way.