Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Power of Corruption


This country is getting a real lesson in how power corrupts!  The urge to gain or retain power has brought hypocrisy and lack of integrity to many of our ‘leaders’ and is doing irreparable harm to the Country.  The ‘divide and conquer’ mentality of both of our parties has lead to fear, anger, and hate as the most motivating way to get us to vote. This leaves most of us thinking the country is going in the wrong direction. Here are a few things all of us can understand and do to change direction:

1.       Don’t believe anything said in ads not paid for by the candidate and about the candidate.  They may be true, but if so they are always out of context and said in the most unflattering manner.

2.       Candidates that only talk about how bad their opponents are, are using the argument “they’re worse than I am.”

3.       Listen to what the candidates say they will do in their own ads and compare that to what they have done.

4.       Sending money to a PAC or political party will fund the very negative, lying ads we hate.  Send your money to the person you can vote for.

5.       If you have not paid attention to a campaign and don’t know the candidates, don’t vote in that contest.

6.       If you don’t like either of the candidates, don’t vote for either of them.  Your conscience will be clear, and the candidates might get the message if enough of us don’t vote for either.

7.       Politicians can only influence the whole nation’s economy through tax acts which always takes years to have any effect and require more than one politician.

8.       A politician’s job is to tax and spend by compromising.  Many seem to tout that they will do none of these three requirements if elected.  They are the clowns making our current government a circus.  Don’t vote for them.

9.       Promises to ‘cut crime’ or ‘stop inflation’ are lies.  No one person can do either of these.

10.   Those who won’t tell you how they will accomplish their promises, don’t have plans and are spouting thin air.

11.   If they try to convince you that you are a ‘victim’, they are stoking hatred.  Don’t vote for them.

12.   Everyone makes mistakes.  To expect a politician to be right one hundred percent of the time is not possible.  How many people were injured because of the mistake?

13.   Politicians that are predicting the future are mostly blowing smoke.

14.   Cutting taxes results in: other governmental units increasing taxes, lowering the performance of government, or making our grand children pay.

15.   Government is not a business.  It shouldn’t be run like one.  Running a business is not required to be a good politician.  Being a good leader is.

16.   The thing that makes democracy better than the other awful types of governments is that it can separate power from money.  The rich will always lust for power.

17.   Our survival depends on people that don’t look, act or believe like us.  Be tolerant. 

Everyone’s moral compass is a little different.  Paying attention to the above will keep your integrity intact.

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