Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Your guy is worse than my guy

I keep hearing “your guy is corrupt” when discussing politics.   It seems to go along with the “your guy is worse than our guy” argument that is very common today.  It’s easier to discuss individual corruption than systemic corruption, so that is what we do.  If you look at why almost every politician can be accused of corruption, it’s because the system allows almost any source of funds for campaigning.  Pharmaceuticals , Health Insurance, the plaintiffs bar, and the NRA  have bought off our politicians.  If we are really concerned about “draining the swamp” we have to pay attention to where our politicians are getting their money and support.  We currently have three Presidential candidates who are only accepting money from individuals; Warren, Sanders, and Klobuchar.  If you’re interested in filling the swamp more, vote for someone else.

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