Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fear and Anger Deny Logic

Our politicians and powerbrokers should be studying the happenings in the middle east to learn how fear and anger don’t work forever. The special interest groups in this country have combined to provide us with political choices that defy logic. Once logic is ignored, you can only gain support using fear and anger to push your points. Consider:

How do we get government out of our lives while pushing hard to insert government between a woman and her fetus?

How do we defend “for profit health care” when the only way to increase profits is by: postponing cures in favor of treatment, having more sick people, or increasing the cost of care?

How can we defend the idea that all men are created equal, when we want to deny gays the right to the same benefits that the rest of us have?

How can we condemn the Muslim theocracies in the world while trying to make the United States a “Christian” nation?

With a media so scattered that it is impossible to determine the “Truth” about so many issues, I propose that we should be measuring our reactions to our politicians using Gandhi’s statement:

“Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent than the one derived from fear.”

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