Sunday, August 28, 2022

Politics of Ignorace and Stupidity


Ever since Pat Buchanan paid to have those “hippies” spitting on our returning troops, I’ve realized the far right has had no qualms about repeating lies so often that people believe them.  I’ve always wondered if it was stupidity or ignorance that let the right accuse the left of doing the same things that they do.  My conclusion is that it is a combination of both.  Those whose mission it is to get and maintain power use ignorance to their advantage; by not reading the Mueller report, they could say anything they wanted to about it. 

Those sheep in Mr. Trumps flock are fed buzzwords and phrases that shock while relying on stupidity to believe.  Cases in point:

1.       How is anyone going to take the guns away.  Who is stupid enough to try?

2.       Abortions aren’t going to stop simply because they are illegal.

3.        Wokeness is like “political correctness”, not something you have to do but simply ways to not insult other people.

4.       Climate change deniers don’t have any science to back them up.  They are afraid of losing money because their jobs warming things up are threatened.  They are climate change profiteers.

5.       The cause of freedom doesn’t include banning books, censuring teachers, telling people what to do with their bodies, or keeping people from being who they are.

6.       Insults are used in debates only when logic will not win.    

7.       Talk about building a wall at the border was just the incentive needed for anyone thinking of coming to this country, to do it as soon as possible.

We can only keep democracy alive if enough smart people are willing to vote for people of integrity.      

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