Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Two types of Americans


We’ve come to believe that there are two types of Americans: Republicans and Democrats.   While this divide is a handy way to become angry, it is far easier to divide Americans into: Those who believe everyone is like them and believe anyone who isn’t should be, and those who believe that no-one is like them and everyone should be free to be who he/she wants to be.  The first category seems to be what we hear from our political parties who are pushing fear and anger at “the other guy” and insisting that you have to adhere to the entire agenda of the party or you are a disloyal American.  It is this divide and conquer attitude that has poisoned our system of government.   By pushing agenda’s that are never going to be accomplished like stopping abortions or taking all the guns away  just inflame those that aren’t intelligent enough to realize that both these are impossible and only increase the hate.

America was settled first by the conformist groups mentioned above.  The example of Savannah shows how that worked out:  the original colony operated quite well up until their shoes wore out.  Having no shoe makers in their church they were forced to let some Jewish shoe makers live with them in order to have shoes.  Most of this Country’s accomplishments have been made by people that were non conformists.  We need to dial down the hatred towards those that are different from us.  E Pluribus Unum, out of many, one!

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