Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Single issue madness

I don’t think our Founding Fathers would be pleased with our present version of democracy.  How did we get to a point where we are voting against people instead of for them?  The use of fear and anger has led many to abandon reason and embrace emotion.  Somehow we have people that believe the impossible intentions of others are somehow achievable.  Single unsolvable issues have blinded us to other issues that are solvable.  Abortion,  guns and tax cuts in particular increase the emotional level.  Why isn’t it obvious that abortion isn’t going to go away if it is made illegal?  It will just cause the death of more women due to unsanitary conditions and fuller jails.  I really want to know how the guns are going to be taken away!  Who is going to go door to door asking for guns?  Would we really want to hire someone crazy enough to do the job?  And then: how do you know you’ve got them all?  The tax cutters seem to be the worst.  Don’t they realize that cutting one tax just causes another to go up?  Not only do they want to cut taxes but they then want to say we don’t have the money to carry out essential programs.  Divide and conquer is the strategy of the day. Hypocrisy is the tactic.  To hell with unite and prosper.  We have an inability to see that even bad people can do good things; even Hitler made the trains run on time. 

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