Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fear, Anger, Hate and Blame


It's not about Republicans or Democrats, Liberals or Conservatives. It's about the kind of world that we want to live in. I would suggest that if we vote for people that engage in speaking evil about their opponents, suggesting that they can do miracles like lowering the deficit without increasing taxes, and relying on anger, fear, hate, and blame to generate votes, we will live in a dismal place. We must remember that anger hides reason, fear allows us to justify the means with the ends, hate generates more hate, and blame ignores solutions. The beneficiaries of the current extremism are the special interests. They are working to keep the status quo. The Democrats have the governmental units, the unions, charities, and the trial lawyers, while the Republicans have business and religious groups. We are fast descending to a behavior that is no better than the Taliban and those that we claim to despise. We must recognize that we are to blame for our current situation. We have supported and elected leaders that appeal to our baser instincts. If we want to get out of our current malaise we must reject those that use fear, anger, and blame and look for those with integrity and a vision of a future that we do want to live in.

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