When I think of the millions of dollars, that the Mueller Report specified, that Russia spent getting Trump elected, I can’t help but conclude that several other nations are spending prolifically as well. Ask yourself; Who benefits from dividing the Nation? We’ve long put up with several US industries buying our Representatives because of the jobs they claim to create. It’s time we put a stop to other countries buying them. How delightful to Putin that we have no congressionally approved leadership in place in our Armed Services for just one example. To drain a swamp, you have to get the liquidity out of it. With the Supreme Court saying that money is speech, we have to amend the Constitution to get the money out of elections. Might I suggest: “Notwithstanding the First Amendment all efforts to influence elections in the US shall be limited to those who can vote in said election.” We currently have a dollaracracy. Let’s get back to a real democracy.