While I’m not a fan of either political party, my
understanding of the GOP’s agenda is very disturbing. It appears that we can break their membership
into 3 categories: The first is those
that are economically advantaged and want to see a return on their investment
in Congress. The second is interested
in doing away with all government by cutting funding and then complaining that
government is inefficient and it is the Democrats fault. The third are those people that lack the
reasoning power to see that many of the things they cheer consist of ‘cutting
off the nose to spite the face’.
The first group is in control and along with help from the
second, is illustrated by their tax cuts to the rich and just recently trying
to defund the IRS. The only benefit of
defunding the IRS is that it will be easier to cheat on taxes. It has been known for a long time that each
IRS auditor brings in much more money than it takes to pay them.
The second and third groups
are both shown by their opposition to anything that brings benefits to the
normal citizen, such as, getting rid of Obama Care, opposing any and all gun
control and allowing any kind of humane immigration policy.
The third group shows its ignorance by not realizing that
cutting taxes by one governmental entity just causes other governmental units
to raise taxes. They call themselves the
‘Freedom Caucus’ but are fighting to control women’s bodies, fighting to bring
their religious beliefs into everyone’s lives, fighting for the ‘freedom’ to
infect others with deadly disease’s and
somehow believing that the open carry of firearms is patriotic rather than
Conservatives by definition are in opposition to change,
even though change along with death and taxes are never going away. The GOP in the past used its conservative
viewpoint to slow things down while all the options had been explored and
debated. Now it’s the Gingrich rule of
“either you’re with us all the way or you’re against us” has allowed ethics to
go by the wayside. Lying is now not only
acceptable but a good way to get elected.
Their only accomplishments recently have been the promoting of blame,
anger, fear and hate. I hope they can
hold up a mirror and change their ways. This
is clearly a party whose lack of ethics and honor needs to be realized. Getting rid of the Ethics Committee is not
what is needed. This is clearly a party
whose lack of ethics and honor needs to be realized.