Sunday, October 25, 2020

Some comforting thoughts


As our politicians continue with their ‘divide and conquer” strategies that seem to provoke fear anger and hate, I thought it would be useful to point out some simple truths the campaigns are ignoring. 

1.      Eliminating Roe V Wade will not stop abortions.  They’ve taken place for centuries and a change in law will only change how/where they are done.

2.       No one can take “all the guns away”.  There is no way to do this without issuing search warrants for every location in the country.

3.       Taxing, Spending, and Compromising are the most important functions of a politician. Any politician that says otherwise doesn’t understand the job.

4.       Only those who don’t believe in democracy will try to suppress the vote.

5.       Capitalism, Socialism, Communism and Fascism are all failed 19th century ideas that have been proven failures in their purest forms.  These words are only meant to provoke fear now.

6.       Our Country was founded on principals that were adopted by Christians, but established long before the birth of Christ.  Many of our founders had a profound dislike of Christianity.  Ethan Allen stated that money was much better spent on whiskey than on church.

One of our countries principal problems are the people that vote on only one issue that will not change no matter who is elected.  Please consider the whole candidate.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

When will we call stupid by its' name?


I was pleased to see that after 3 years the media is finally using the term “liar”. I am still wondering when they will start using the word “stupid”.  The GOP has done an incredible job of getting the 50% of the population of below average intelligence to vote by scaring them.   For example: Trumps latest ad shows Joe Biden telling a lie in 1987.  They had to go back over 30 years to find this when we can go back about 10 minutes to show Trumps latest lie.  Does anyone actually believe that abortions are going to stop just because we toss doctors and women in jail?  How are “they” going to take the guns away and live to tell about it? The intelligence of the Sturgis bikers is obvious with the lack of helmets.  Trump boaters with wakes big enough to swamp other boaters is stupid boating.   We’re seeing truth in the old saying that ‘If you’re going to be stupid, you better be tough”.  It should be obvious that we have to get out the intelligent vote in order to counter the ignorant.  I’m reminded of a Nelson Mandela quote: “The world is not divided by religion, race, or sex; it is divided into the intelligent and the ignorant.  The ignorant divide the world by religion, race and sex.”

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Minneapols Police Reform


As a forty year resident of South Minneapolis I am continually amazed at the way that people that don’t live in Minneapolis seem to know what’s best for policing in our city.  We have many ‘carpetbaggers’ that spend their work day in the city and then go home, including most of the police force.  They have all seen the 3rd burn down, but haven’t seen the hundreds of residents cleaning up after.  They don’t interact with the many different cultures that are represented in the City and are threatened by many of them.  I rely daily on people that don’t look like me and happen to think that’s one of the best points of living in the city.  These carpetbaggers are afraid of the City, thinking they will be shot here.  The truth is that if they don’t come here to buy drugs, and don’t stay until closing time, this is an extremely safe city to be in, if you’re not black.  The burning of the 3rd, gave those cops a taste of the fear they have instilled in the Black community for decades.  We have seen so many bad cops reinstated by arbitration that is imposed on us by the state, that there has to be something very bad, (George Floyd), for a cop to suffer any consequences for mistreating our citizens.  Our current force consists largely of these carpetbaggers that have no respect for the different cultures represented here.  Again the State says that this occupying army is what we must have policing us.  The vast majority of police our legislators have experience with are very good officers, that are not in Minneapolis’s force, and can’t really believe that the force here can be so bad.   Please let the City reform the police effectively for the sake of City residents by realizing that the force differs from the Pequot Lakes police force.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

GOP Gas Lighting

The GOP’s gas lighting ability has been on display since Pat Buchanan paid those “hippies” to spit on our returning Vietnam Vets. Most marketing handbooks say that to make a sale, you first have to make a problem to be solved by you.  In the annuity industry, we used ‘fire sales’.  Tell the salespeople that interest rates would go down on a set date and watch the money flow in prior to that date.  Trump used the same process with his wall.  What a great way to get as many people to the border as possible before the wall was built!  To be a “law and order” President he must have riots, and what better way than to send in ‘brown shirts’ to those places most opposed to them.  Open your eyes America.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Pandemic of Stupidity

It’s becoming more and more obvious to me that the real pandemic we are fighting is one of stupidity.  Fear and anger have dominated our politics for so long that reason has disappeared.   We have many pundits claiming it’s safe to open our economy up without any facts to back it up.  Until we have tested virtually everyone, every two weeks or so, we won’t know where we are at with covid 19.  There are two types of people we have to deal with:  one dreams improvements and builds from them, the other destroys what others have built and likes to tear others dreams to shreds.  Real leaders take the blame for mistakes and fixes them, tells the truth, listens to all sides, and gives credit to subordinates for the good things happening.   If we listened to our intellect instead of our fears we might be able to determine the real role of government and forget about the words socialism and capitalism that mean something different to everyone you talk to.

Time to try "Bubble Up"economics

Now that the US has approximately half of its population without jobs, (children, students, retirees, disabled and unemployed) it might be time to change our economy’s focus from jobs to incomes.  The focus on jobs gives discretion for spending two trillion of our aid tax dollars to business owners and executives under the “trickle down” theory.  By spending only one trillion dollars we could eliminate hunger by giving each resident with a Social Security number a debit card for $300 a month.  It could be spent only on food produced in the United States, and on one day each month it would be brought back to the $300 amount.  If it wasn’t spent it couldn’t be accumulated.  This would eliminate hunger, free up rent and mortgage money, benefit our farmers, and bubble up to our business owners.