Sunday, July 1, 2018

Proud to be a Deplorable?

I keep wondering what happened to the Party of: family values, free trade & markets, cutting taxes,  and fiscal responsibility?  Why have they turned into a band of people proud to be deplorables?  Could it be that the Democrats have alienated a bunch of old white people that have only known black people  through Amos and Andy as a child?  I know, as an old white man, that I still have many racist sayings in my head that I never equated with racism as a child.  Should one of these slip out inadvertently at any minute, I would be instantly branded as a racist pig.  While ignorance is the root of the problem, our hatefulness amplifies people into believing that they are what we tell them they are.  Can we please start complaining about ideas instead of people?

Natering Nabobs of Negativism

It’s obvious to me that Mr. Agnew’s  “Nattering Nabobs of Negativism”  have taken over our National dialogue with their divide and conquer tactics.  I, and I believe many others,  don’t fit into the tidy  “Red-Blue, Conservative-Liberal, Democrat-Republican” labels.  I have never met any of these people that we are told are trying to bring this country down.   From my personal experience, this divide in our nation is a largely made up affair, leaving us with one really important divide: Negative People or Positive People.  As happiness is a trait of positive people, in the hope of helping people increase their happiness, I have listed twenty traits of positive people in the hope that we can reduce the hatred our leaders are spawning.   In no special order, Positive People:

1. Don’t look to blame others for mistakes, they seek to understand them so they  can be prevented from happening again.

2. Realize that people make mistakes and that doesn’t make them a bad person.

3.  Realize that arguments are lost as soon as name calling begins.

4. Criticize ideas and not people.

5. Admit to their mistakes as soon as they are aware of them and try to fix things.

6. Realize they are dependent on many others for their continued existence.

7. Work on fulfilling dreams, either their own or others.

8. Are aware that others will disagree with them and can be good people.

9. Seek revenge only by living the best life they can..

10. Hold integrity as an important trait.

11. Don’t tell others what to believe, or how to behave.

12. Know that the hate mongers have agendas that don’t include all of us.

13. Live in the present and for the future, not in the past.

14. Realize that prosperity comes from unifying:  E Pluribus Unum, Out of Many--One!

15. Know what they don’t know and aren’t afraid to admit it.

16. Know that the gift of a smile costs nothing and is returned.

17. Know that “an eye for an eye” leaves everyone blind.

18. Know that war’s winners didn’t win anything, they just lost less.

19. Realize that bad people sometimes do good things and good people sometimes do bad things.

20. Know that power shared is power gained.