With our candidates chosen, it has become clear that the
conservatives have taken over this country.
By conservative, I mean those resistant to change, not that strange
creature created by the media, (“screw you, I’ve got mine”). We are given one candidate who brags about
buying politicians and another who has accepted millions from special interests
and explains that it has no effect on her!
I believe the media is largely responsible for this state of
affairs. With revenues going down, the
mainstream media has accepted the internet’s click bait tactics for hateful headlines leading to non-existent
news. The Media is so worried about
losing the ten billion dollars plus of campaign revenue that they totally
ignore campaign finance reform; the reason both Trump and Sanders have
attracted millions of followers. As a
country we will be subject to another four years of the GOP investigating
Hillary for crimes that only exist in their minds. We will also see a continuation of the GOP
stopping every proposal to solve the country’s problems,(while proposing
virtually nothing), and then blaming the Democrats for a country that doesn’t
work. What is obvious, is that big
money is the only thing that counts in politics. Intelligence certainly doesn't.