Fear and Loathing are the paths to power in the United
States. It is easier to fool people than
to convince them that they have been fooled.
We as a people have been lied to by those that hold the power in this
country and the sooner we can admit to it the better. “The Art of War” and “The Prince” are the
current bibles of power brokers.
Espousing divide and conquer tactics is the way those in power keep
it. Fear, anger and hate tend to
overwhelm reason and logic. They have kept both the right and the left in an
agitated state that forbids compromise.
The NRA with their masterful ‘Astroturf” movement has convinced most gun
owners that a Democratic government will take their guns away. This increases gun sales at every mass
shooting. Gun owners scared that their
hobby will soon go away haven’t taken the time to think through how anyone
could take American’s guns away. By
focusing on this “issue” many gun owners won’t even think about how to keep
guns away from the inner city gangs and others that shouldn’t own them. Equally rabid liberals seem to think that we
could somehow become Canada or England and eliminate gun ownership. The hate from the fringes stops dialogue and
moves the Country in the direction that only the most powerful want.
The media is complicit in this fraud on the American People
as conflict and outrageousness are a lot more interesting than issues and peace. Our reliance on the virtual world means we
are interacting with fewer people on a daily basis and those we do interact
with are more likely to be just like us.
This makes it easier to demonize those that are different. By creating stereotypes of the “Conservative” and the “Liberal”, that don’t exist in any
number, they stoke the hatred. The
virtual world is the prime stomping grounds for phony outrage. Both political parties have stooped so low that they are only
obsessed with gaining more power;
Democrats are only communicating their need for money to stop the
Republicans. The Republicans have spent
the last seven years on the idea that they have to stop everything the
Democrats do whether good or bad. The
Citizens United decision is one of the best things to happen to the press in a
long time. The idea that the media,
which is the recipient of all the campaign finance funds, should help get the
money out of campaigns is fantasy. As long as politicians are elected with money
that comes from sources that can’t vote for them, politicians will pass laws
that are not in their constituents’ best interest. Making this happen will require a true grass
roots movement which realizes that the only way for all to prosper is to unite.